Saturday, July 17, 2010

This Week in Books Or Trying Something A Little New

Gonna add in a bit of additional information here this week and lay it out slightly differently, tell me what you think? I started this for myself a few months ago in my review notebook and I like it but yeah. I already do a little of this but now here is a little more!


Waxed by Robert Rave (Blog Tour)


Sleepless by Cyn Balog (Just Showed Up Review Copy)
Vampire High: Sophomore Year by Douglas Rees (Just Showed Up Review Copy)
Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (Requested Review Copy- Shelf Awareness I *just* read Hush, Hush so I'm all set)
Five Days Apart by Chris Binchy (Accepted Review Copy Via Pitch)

A McKaslin Homecoming by Jillian Hart

Got this from Harlequin Ambassadors. I actually have a few copies to share if anyone is interested please email me, US only sorry!

Wednesday: nothing


Three Nights with a Scoundrel by Tessa Dare (Blog Tour)


And One Last Thing... by Molly Harper (Blog Tour- Reading this right now and liking it!)

Extraordinary by Nancy Werlin (Just Showed Up Review Copy)
MacKenzie Blue by Tina Wells (Accepted Review Copy Via Pitch)
MacKenzie Blue: The Secret Crush by Tina Wells (Accepted Review Copy Via Pitch)
MacKenzie Blue: Friends Forever? by Tina Wells (Accepted Review Copy Via Pitch)


Plain Kate by Erin Bow (Just Showed Up Review Copy)


  1. You did well this week. I received Crescendo as well, I'll likely get to it in the near future. :)

  2. Oh sigh i wish i could get crescendo (tries to grab it through screen)hope you enjoy your books


  3. I'm glad you are liking And One Last Thing...I've read everything by Molly Harper and I LOVE her.


  4. I love this layout and the extra info. I'm so excited to hear more about Nancy Werlin's new book. Let us know what you think!!

  5. Very cool books! Love the romance books. So much fun.

  6. Alea, I am very VERY jealous of Crescendo. But in a good way :) Really hope you enjoy it!

  7. SUPER jealous of Crescendo, too. OMG. I've already pre-ordered it anyway, but the waiting kills me. Hahah. Also... I have to say the cover of Extraordinary looks beautiful and these colors, green and pink, together match perfectly. Love it! Have a happy reading! :D

  8. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Yay for Extraordinary! I really like your somewhat new layout, by the way. Please do it again! Happy reading :]

  9. What? You didn't go to the library bookstore this week?

  10. I got some of the same books as you this week! All of the ones you got look great!

  11. I need to buy Plain Kate! I keep meaning too, it sounds fab!

  12. You had a good week. I like Molly Harper and am glad you like the book. My mailboxes are here and here. Happy reading!

  13. Looks very good! Is that Molly Harper, as in, the author who wrote the Jane Jameson series? I love her!

    Happy Reading!

  14. Glad you guys like my adjustments!

    Bermudaonion- Yes shocking no library for me!

    Lillie- Yes it's her! I want to try out her series now too!

  15. Everybody seems to be getting Crescendo in this week and I'm still yet to read Hush, Hush. ah.

  16. So many lovely books! Sleepless looks awesome! Crescendo looks fantastic as well!

  17. Looks like you had an awesome week in the way of books. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  18. I thought why not follow the inspiration of the In My Mailbox meme.

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Crescendo looks really good. I really like the new layout too BTW.


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