Friday, March 06, 2009

Lookalikes 39

Nothing by Robin Friedman

Not Anything by Carmen Rodrigues

This is another easy one, the second cover wins for me by a landslide. It has color, more personality and a great composition! I'm not so sure about the title treatment though, it takes away slightly from the rest of the cover. The first cover is just too monochromatic for my own taste. But do you recognize that guy, from this set of lookalikes! Check it out!

Thanks goes to Mrs Magoo Reads for pointing out this lookalike!


  1. The popular nothing guy is back. Whenever I see this cover, I think of the F Reviewer X gave the book.

  2. That guy looks familiar to me from something else - I wonder if he's an actor. I like the 2nd cover better too.

  3. I like the secon cover too. I know what you mean about the title treatment, but at least it draws the eye.

  4. i like the second cover as well.

  5. Second cover it is.

  6. This is a no-contest. Second cover. (But mostly because I, shallowly, find the guy on the first cover unattractive. Can the hair get ANY higher?)

  7. The second cover model is posed so you can see some personality. Is it just me or does the guy just look plain grumpy? Maybe this fits the book though? I don't know, I hadn't heard of it.

  8. Well, you know, I think you are right about the type treatment on the much better cover. It's rather brochure-y, I think.

  9. Oh, And I pray I never get an F from Reviewer X. The thought scares the socks off me.

  10. The first cover is much too bland! I'm not a huge fan of the second cover either though :(

  11. I really want to Not Anything. It sounds so good and I prefer its cover.

  12. Anonymous5:30 PM

    The first cover is from the same picture as Twelve Long Months by Brian Malloy.

  13. Definitely second cover. The guy on the first looks like he's about to barf, and the colors on Not Anything are better and prettier, too!

  14. I agree, the second cover is much better.

  15. I like them both, but I like the guy one better. Both kids look moody lol

  16. I love the way she's pulling a strand of hair on the NOT ANYTHING cover. It tells a lot in one gesture, which is what a good cover should do!

  17. Lenore- Same here! hehe.

    bermudaonion- He's on TONS of book covers!

    Steph Su- Yeah he's just blah hehe.

    biblauragraphy- Yup, here's that one along with a few others!

  18. I like how the nail polish matches part of the text color.


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